Category: patent office
How long does it take to get a patent in 2021? And what about COVID-19?
Thursday | June 10, 2021By Shane Skwarekpatent applicationpatent eligibilitypatent lawpatent officepatent office guidancePatent ProtectionAn applicant secures a patent after successfully prosecuting the patent application at the United States Patent and Trademark Office (USPTO). When the USPTO believes an application embodies an invention worthy of a patent, the USPTO grants a Notice of Allowance.…
Read MoreThe Difference between Utility, Design, and Plant Patents
Tuesday | May 18, 2021By Shane Skwarekpatent eligibilitypatent lawpatent lawyerpatent officePatent ProtectionIntellectual property is generally separated into different categories including patents, copyrights, trademarks, and trade secrets. U.S. patent law further divides patents into three different types: utility, design, and plant patents. Each type of patent serves a similar purpose of spurring…
Read MoreTesla’s Lasers on Vehicle Patent
Tuesday | March 30, 2021By Shane Skwarekfiling patent applicationpatent applicationpatent attorneypatent claimpatent draftingpatent eligibilitypatent lawpatent lawyerpatent officepatent pendingPatent ProtectionIn May of 2019, Tesla filed a patent application for “Pulsed Laser Cleaning of Debris Accumulated on Glass Articles in Vehicles and Photovoltaic Assemblies.” Instead of using conventional windshield wipers, Tesla envisioned a system to clean debris from any glass…
Read MoreThe Patent Office Wanted Us to Pay for What?!?
Monday | December 16, 2019By Shane Skwarekfiling patent applicationpatent applicationpatent lawyerpatent officePatent Protectionsupreme courtThe U.S. Supreme Court held that the costs borne by an appellant seeking review of a rejection from the U.S. Patent Office by a District Court do not include the apportioned salaries of the Office's employees in Peter v. Nantkwest.…
Read MoreU.S. Patent Office Revises Guidance on Subject-Matter Eligibility
Saturday | January 5, 2019By Shane Skwarekpatent applicationpatent attorneypatent officePatent ProtectionThe U.S. Patent Office has issued its much-anticipated update to the guidance on examining patent applications for compliance with the subject-matter eligibility provisions of 35 U.S.C. § 101. Those familiar with the situation will know that the U.S. Supreme Court…
Read MoreU.S. Patent Office Revises Guidance on Subject-Matter Eligibility
Saturday | January 5, 2019By James Watsonpatent applicationpatent attorneypatent officePatent ProtectionThe U.S. Patent Office has issued its much-anticipated update to the guidance on examining patent applications for compliance with the subject-matter eligibility provisions of 35 U.S.C. § 101. Those familiar with the situation will know that the U.S. Supreme Court…
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